Traditional Coaching

Be Your Personal Best
Traditional Coaching image of weathervane
*For more information about traditional coaching, please visit my blog article, Coaching Explained or contact me for a free 30 minute consultation.
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Are YOU a high achieving woman ignoring long overdue self-care?

Do you want more success in your business AND personal life?

Ready to engage your motivation and inspiration to achieve your goals?

Maybe you’ve tried counseling but left your sessions feeling unsatisfied and stuck wanting something more?

Are you ready to put YOU first this time?

If you answered “YES” to any of the above questions, then traditional coaching might be what you need.

Let’s accelerate your success.


Once again, I felt so encouraged and “high on life” after my phone session with you today. You are such a great coach!

Cassandra W.


Traditional Coaching


Choose this coaching program if you are looking for predictability and a formally structured session to move you toward your goals.

It’s the perfect coaching program to achieve your business, career or financial goals.

You set the agenda, and I provide the structure for the call. You will tell me what you want to work on during our time together. You will set a goal for each phone call, and I will ask you questions to help move you forward towards that stated aim in the time allowed.

Traditional coaching is non-directive, non-advice giving, non-leading. I won’t assign homework or make suggestions unless you request them. Even then, I encourage you to come up with your assignments on your own to move you forward.

You choose what you want to work on between coaching calls and then present them during the next call.

You, as the client have all the answers. As your coach, I bring forth the brilliance already within you.

If you prefer a more fluid and holistic approach to your coaching with a handful of “woo-woo,” then visit Intuitive Strategies Coaching and Integrative Wellness Coaching.


Traditional Coaching Services & Pricing

Continue My Success

Support & Accountability
$1,197/3 Month Cycle
  • Must first complete Accelerate My Success program
  • Two phone sessions monthly, 45 minutes each
  • One FREE 30 minute “Victory” call to be used anytime during the three months.
  • Email between calls
  • Refine objectives and goals
  • Maintain inspiration and motivation
  • Ongoing accountability and support
  • 10% off your first bonus coaching call
  • 10% off Reiki services
  • 10% off if you decide to re-enroll in the “Accelerate My Success” or “Continue My Success” programs
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Sustain My Success

Keep the Momentum Going
  • Must first complete Accelerate My Success program
  • One 90 minute coaching call once a month
  • Two 15 minute laser coaching calls
  • Email support between calls
  • Best for longer term supportive coaching
  • Maintain your current success without losing traction
  •  Continue to build momentum
  • Add new goals
  • 10% Reiki services
  • 10% off if paid in full for three months or more
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Bonus Coaching For Success

Super Charge Your Coaching
$125/Coaching Call
  • Must first complete Accelerate My Success program
  • 30 minutes of focused coaching for $125
  • Extra support & accountability
  • Gain clarity between sessions
  • Brainstorm ideas
  • Receive insights
  • Revise a goal
  • Gather momentum
  • Blast through plateaus
  • Catapult your success
Buy Now

Shift Happens Here!

Ready to shift out what you don’t want in your life?

Contact me for a FREE 30 minute conversation.

Let's Connect

Questions? Write to me here.

1 + 2 =

If you are in crisis, please call 911 or The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255. For more information on mental health or chronic, disabling stress, please visit or the National Alliance on Mental Health: .
Medical and Site Disclaimer: Michelle C. Doiron MA, BCC, does NOT provide any mental health assessments, mental health diagnosing or mental health counseling through any of the services associated with Being Well With Michelle. The services offered by Michelle through Being Well With Michelle are not and are not intended to substitute or replace any mental health counseling or medical treatment nor do they constitute psychological or medical assessment, diagnosis or treatment under any circumstances.  All services provided by Michelle C. Doiron MA, BCC through the use of coaching methods, consulting, teaching, presenting, etc., are intended for personal self-improvement and educational use only and are not meant to substitute or replace any mental health counseling or medical treatment.
The contents of this site are presented for educational, instructional, or entertainment purposes only and should not be substituted for the professional advice of any kind. Always consult a professional medical doctor, psychologist or other professional mental health provider with any concerns you may have about your physical or psychological health or any medical condition as we do not diagnose or treat anyone for any reason. By using this website, you assume full responsibility and liability for your actions.
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