Reiki Session FAQ's

"Reiki is Spiritually Guided Life Force Energy" ~ Reiki News Magazine
first three chakras energy painting
Michelle C. Doiron-Bergeron, Root to Courage. Watercolor on paper, 12 X 9 inches. ©2007

How Does Reiki Energy Work From a Distance? 

Reiki energy is Universal.

It transcends time, space and according to quantum theory, is multi-dimensional.  As a result, Reiki practitioners direct Reiki energy to the past and future and in present time.

As a Reiki practitioner, I mindfully call forth the sacred Reiki energy, Allowing the energy to move through me and out to the person or persons that have agreed to and are ready to receive their Reiki session.

You can request Reiki for yourself or someone else with their permission.  Reiki can also be used with animals and plants. Any living expression on this planet is capable of receiving Reiki energy.


How does a Reiki practitioner “do” Reiki?

There are many ways professionals prepare and perform distance Reiki. There is no right or wrong way; each practitioner finds what works best during their journey as a healer.

Reiki energy is believed to come from the divine intelligence of the Universe. This Universal life-force energy flows to and through the practitioner to the client.

As an energy guide-healer, my personal spiritual practices such as yoga, meditation, channeling, and rituals inform my professional practice. This practice and discipline honor my intuitive and empathic nature leading to an integrated approach to Reiki.

My style of Reiki is an integrative, intuitive energetic blend.

With the client’s permission, I will intuitively and energetically scan their body intentionally sending healing energies. My preparation style for Reiki is rooted in sacred ritual. My Reiki sessions are an extension of this sacred space for my clients.

What will I experience during a Reiki energy healing session?

Your experience can vary from session to session.

If you have ordered a “Reiki Boost” which is a 10-minute laser focused Reiki session, you do not need to make any special preparations beforehand. You do not even need to be relaxed, although you may choose to.

A Reiki boost can be received at any time while you are doing anything. For example, you may be working, at a doctor’s appointment or a job interview. Whatever time you requested the Reiki, your mind-body-spirit can receive it.

For a longer Reiki sessions, you will connect deeper and have a more positive experience of Reiki if you create your comfortable space to relax while receiving it. It is helpful to remember that Reiki energy is always guided by the needs of your mind-body-spirit at that moment.

Just a minute of centering yourself in your thoughts and welcoming the loving energy of Reiki into your heart space before the agreed upon appointment time is all it takes to engage and receive.

How does Reiki energy feel? Will I notice anything different?

You may feel more energized, uplifted or experience insights. You may feel tingling, hot or cold sensations or a beautiful, soothing warm glow of energy in parts of your body.

Some people have shared feeling slightly tired, yawning or feel more calm and relaxed. You may even fall asleep. Falling asleep is common and completely normal. In fact, I practice give myself Reiki to relax and get a deeper, restorative sleep.

If you tend to fall asleep during Reiki sessions OR if you have difficulty falling asleep at night, you may want to schedule a Reiki session at your projected bedtime for some nurturing self-care. You may benefit most from a “Traditional” session which has no phone contact before or after. If you are having issues with sleep, please contact me. You can set up a series of healing sessions to help lull you to a peaceful slumber.

Some folks have reported feeling emotional during or after a Reiki session. Feelings of sadness, anger or elation are not uncommon, this due to your chakras clearing and releasing what is no longer serving you. A slight spiritual detox. You may want to schedule some time for yourself before and after your Reiki sessions to be mindful of what comes up for you emotionally or physically.

If you want to explore your emotional unfolding further, look into my Intuitive Strategies program or contact me for custom spiritual services.

How do I know you’re doing something?

Questioning distance Reiki may sound like a rude or cynical question for someone to ask, but it’s a fair question. I do understand that distance Reiki has its skeptics, especially if there is no contact by phone or email immediately before or after the session.

How do you know you received the Reiki energy? Unfortunately, you can’t always go by how you feel during a Reiki session as evidence.

Ultimately, the client needs to trust the practitioner, and this is why I offer a free 30-minute consultation for all wellness services.

What are the benefits of Reiki? Do I have to do anything?

Research has shown that Reiki has many wellness benefits for your body, mind, and spirit including the following:

  • Helps to prevent physical illness by balancing all four levels of existence (physical, emotional, mental, spiritual).
  • Can accelerate the healing process by engaging your immune system.
  • Increased physical energy, while feeling calm and centered.
  • Deeper, more restful sleep.
  • Reduces blood pressure, heart rate, muscle tension and other bodily reactions to stress.

Depending upon the level of personal attention you desire, your participation in each Reiki session can be as passive or active as you like.

Reiki Boost is a ten-minute session of laser focused Reiki.  No active participation is needed.

For the Traditional and Premium Reiki sessions - you will benefit most from making a few general preparations.  The more mindful you are about your preparations, the more engaged and receptive you’ll be to experiencing Reiki’s subtle yet powerful effects. Incense, candles, crystals, essential oils and relaxing music are just some ideas for adding a more luxurious and nurturing environment for yourself during your session.

First, create a quiet and relaxed place to sit or lie down. Get as comfortable as you can and allow your mind to drift into a relaxed state. Reiki will help with this process. You may want to have a notebook/journal nearby so after the session you can write your thoughts and ideas about your experience.

To have the best experience, avoid eating 2 hours before your session and eat a light meal(s) after the reiki treatment. It is best to drink plenty of water for the rest of the day. If your session is in the evening, allow yourself some extra water the following day to remove any toxins that may be released.

Concierge Reiki

“Concierge” Reiki sessions are available by request. Prepare to relax before your healing session. Also, you may speak with me during these meetings as Concierge sessions are conducted via telephone in real-time. You may ask questions or share thoughts and feelings, or quietly receive the Reiki healing with a discussion to follow.  I created this high-level service with real-time interaction for those who desire personalized attention during their treatments and want real-time feedback and insights. A hands-free Bluetooth device is ideal for these sessions. Fee for Concierge is $199.00.

I’m interested in your Reiki services, now what do I do?

If you would like to receive distance Reiki, you have several options.

You can contact me by email at You can ask for a free 30-minute consultation through the contact form below. Just place your request in the contact form for your free consultation.  I will return your email and set up a time to speak with you. If you’ve never experienced a distance Reiki healing session before it is most helpful for us to meet by phone so you can ask any questions you may have.

If you are already familiar with Reiki or are ready to purchase a Reiki session, please visit our Reiki page or the Shop. Both pages contain the pricing and service descriptions so you can choose the best option for you.

There is a Reiki service for every budget.





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If you are in crisis, please call 911 or The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255. For more information on mental health or chronic, disabling stress, please visit or the National Alliance on Mental Health: .
Medical and Site Disclaimer: Michelle C. Doiron MA, BCC, does NOT provide any mental health assessments, mental health diagnosing or mental health counseling through any of the services associated with Being Well With Michelle. The services offered by Michelle through Being Well With Michelle are not and are not intended to substitute or replace any mental health counseling or medical treatment nor do they constitute psychological or medical assessment, diagnosis or treatment under any circumstances.  All services provided by Michelle C. Doiron MA, BCC through the use of coaching methods, consulting, teaching, presenting, etc., are intended for personal self-improvement and educational use only and are not meant to substitute or replace any mental health counseling or medical treatment.
The contents of this site are presented for educational, instructional, or entertainment purposes only and should not be substituted for the professional advice of any kind. Always consult a professional medical doctor, psychologist or other professional mental health provider with any concerns you may have about your physical or psychological health or any medical condition as we do not diagnose or treat anyone for any reason. By using this website, you assume full responsibility and liability for your actions.
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