Distant Reiki Healing Services

Distant Healing for Optimal Wellbeing
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Reiki, simply put, means “Universal Life Force (energy)” and is one of the most popular forms of hands-on and distance energy healing today.

This Universal energy transcends our everyday experience of time and space and can be practiced just as effectively from a distance as it can in person.

The experience of distance Reiki is slightly different because you are not in the physical presence of the practitioner, but the benefits of Reiki in person or from a distance are the same.

During in-person sessions, the client lies down on a massage table fully and comfortably dressed while the Reiki practitioner places her/his hands gently on top of or just above the client’s body.

These several “hand placements” correspond with seven of the main energetic areas of the body called Chakras.

Distance Reiki healing connects with the same chakras along with the use of sacred symbols to strengthen the energetic connection and healing.

There are many traditions, philosophies and various lineages to which Reiki practitioners belong. I received my training in the Usui Reiki tradition and continue to study different forms of Reiki as well as other healing energy practices.

Combining my techniques of intuitively guided healing along with traditional Reiki, I call forth insight and compassion for each personalized healing session we have.

For more information about what to expect during a distance Reiki session and how to best prepare for it, please visit our Reiki FAQ page or contact me directly.

Reiki Services Menu

Reiki with Michelle C. Doiron-Bergeron MA, BCC Healing Crystals image

Distance Reiki Boost 

  • Get a 10-minute boost of Reiki when you need it most.
  • You choose the time and date to receive the Reiki healing energy.
  • No need to do anything different simply be mindful of the Reiki energy and your energetic field at the time you requested.
  • Perfect for extra support during an important business meeting or doctor’s appointment.
  • Ideal for a boost of self-confidence when your energy is low.
  • Helps to bring Reiki intention whether you are in “action” or relaxing.

Traditional Distance Reiki 

  • Prepare ahead for the time you would like to receive your Reiki healing.
  • Relax in a comfortable environment undisturbed for the agreed upon length of time you’ll be receiving Reiki.
  • A consultation a few days before your appointment may be helpful but is not necessary.
  • Relax and receive 30 minutes of distance Reiki.

Premium Guided Distance Reiki

  • 45-60 Minute Premium Guided Reiki Healing: We have a short phone conversation before the Reiki session and then immediately following the meeting to discuss the experience and ask questions. Phone time included in total session time booked.
  • Relax and receive.

Reiki Pricing

Reiki Boost

  • 10 minutes
  • No appointment or preparation needed
  • Receive at requested time
  • Receive during rest or activity
  • Phone time not included
  • Practitioner feedback not included
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  • 45-60 Minutes (including calls)
  • Pre-Reiki call included
  • Post-Reiki call included
  • Relax and receive
  • 10% OFF next session!
  • BONUS Goodies!!
  • Live feedback not covered during session
  • Guided visualizations not included
  • Live intuitive impressions not included
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Free 30 Minute Reiki Consultation

Could you benefit from some nurturing, healing energy sent your way?

You may request Reiki for loved ones and furry friends too!

Let's Connect

Contact Me. I'd Love To Hear From You!

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If you are in crisis, please call 911 or The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255. For more information on mental health or chronic, disabling stress, please visit http://www.nimh.nih.gov or the National Alliance on Mental Health: http://www.nami.org .
Medical and Site Disclaimer: Michelle C. Doiron MA, BCC, does NOT provide any mental health assessments, mental health diagnosing or mental health counseling through any of the services associated with Being Well With Michelle. The services offered by Michelle through Being Well With Michelle are not and are not intended to substitute or replace any mental health counseling or medical treatment nor do they constitute psychological or medical assessment, diagnosis or treatment under any circumstances.  All services provided by Michelle C. Doiron MA, BCC through the use of coaching methods, consulting, teaching, presenting, etc., are intended for personal self-improvement and educational use only and are not meant to substitute or replace any mental health counseling or medical treatment.
The contents of this site are presented for educational, instructional, or entertainment purposes only and should not be substituted for the professional advice of any kind. Always consult a professional medical doctor, psychologist or other professional mental health provider with any concerns you may have about your physical or psychological health or any medical condition as we do not diagnose or treat anyone for any reason. By using this website, you assume full responsibility and liability for your actions.
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